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Evie, from The Ultima 6 Project
Species: human
CollapseThe Ultima 6 Project
Location: New Magincia
Description: Girl

This is an Ultima 6 Project-related NPC article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima VI or other Ultima games.

Evie is a young girl of eight living in New Magincia in The Ultima 6 Project.


The granddaughter of William, a farmer in New Magincia, Evie could often be found playing with her brothers Will and Fred. Evie's mother Evelyn worked on Jimmy's merchant ship the 'Madame Pendra', and was rarely home, while her father Frederick had died five years previously.

Evie told the Avatar that she wanted to be like her mother, a sailor, but instead of hauling cargo, she would hunt pirates and find buried treasure. The excitable child said she didn't like being cooped up inside the cellar like her brothers when it was wet and windy, but would rather be outside looking for adventure. She hoped Conor would teach her how to use his boat, since he went out in all weather to fish. She told the hero that her older brother Will thought he was the boss because he was the eldest, but he was no good at watching her or telling her what to do. Her younger brother Fred often got sad, and used to hide in their farm's cellar, until William locked it up. Now it had become much harder to find him.

If the Avatar asked Conor about sailing lessons for the young girl, the fisherman said he thought the girl was still a little young, but would consider it with William's permission. The Avatar could receive permission from William, and the excited girl would begin her lessons.