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Dustin, from Ultima VII
Species: human
Ultima VII
Location: Trinsic

Dustin is a member of an acting company encamped north of Trinsic during the time of Ultima VII.


Along with his companions Paul and Meryl, Dustin regularly performed in a passion play reinforcing the tenants of the Fellowship. Within the drama, Dustin acted as an everyman character mourning the death of his wife (played by Meryl), and underwent the process of coming to terms with his grief through the Fellowship's philosophical creed. Eventually through his adherence to the Triad of Inner Strength, Dustin's character was mysteriously "rewarded" with a gift of gold while he slept.[1]


Along the north road to Britain, just before the swamps, is a group of actors who reharse and perform what they call a Passion Play. I have no idea what they mean, and had no time to observe the show, but they seemed to attract enough of an audience to make a living.


  • Iolo and Spark, if present during a performance of the passion play, will complain about the poor acting and plot, although Iolo will compliment the special effects when glitter is poured over the sleeping Dustin.[1]
