Dragon eggs

As opposed to the commonly found and consumed chicken eggs, the simple truth of what dragon eggs are should serve as warning enough to not disturb them, as the average adult dragon will not take kindly to any potential threat to its offspring. They could be found in Ultima VI and Ultima IX.
On the sixth visit to Britannia, the Avatar had to get a dragon egg from the dungeon Destard, before Sandy in Trinsic would reveal the remaining ten pirates of Hawkins. Any surplus eggs were given to Shubin at Serpent's Hold, who wanted to turn them into a special meal. Dragon eggs were again seen in Destard in Ultima IX. However, by then they were so big that the Avatar could not carry them, managing only to acquire some cracked pieces of their shells.
“ | I prepared a map with the assistance of Gertan, one of the few people foolish enough to brave the depths of Destard. Everybody knows this is the lair of dragons. Gertan has a thing about dragons, though. Says there are drakes down here too, to eat up anything too small for the dragons to bother with. Legend has it there’s an egg chamber on the fourth level, but I don’t think anyone’s ever gotten that far and lived to tell about it. |
Dragon egg in Ascension