Crown of Maze Navigation

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Using the Crown of Navigation

The Crown of Navigation is a magical item appearing in Ultima Underworld. It is an important item in reaching the final challenge with the mage Tyball, which helps the wearer circumvent the deadly traps laid along this path.


While being on the seventh level of the Abyss, the Avatar learned that the evil mage, Tyball, had erected a deadly maze, which was the only way to his lair. The maze was particularly insidious in that only one path would be safe, and wrong turn would suck the lifeforce out of the unwary. Worse, the correct path looked the same as the deadly parts of the fairly extensive maze. The Avatar learned of a countermeasure to the maze, and found the Crown of Navigation amongst the treasures of an imp. Wearing this crown, the normally invisible path became visible and allowed safe passage of the maze.


This is a treasury, containing the crowns of many a kingly head, and other treasures as well. Do note that you cannot get here from elsewhere on the seventh level; you must first descend to the eighth level, then take another set of stairs back up to this site.


  • The crown in question stands out from the other crowns as the only one with a white gem in the front.