Category talk:Nitpicks

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Complete Overhaul[edit]

I think this entire category and every single article therein needs a significant overhaul. Not only are these nitpicks copied word for word from Hacki's page - which is already bad enough, permission given or not - but they are rife with personal opinion, bias and most are written in a first-person perspective. Who exactly is "I" in those nitpicks? Furthermore, a lot of the nitpicks are simply inaccurate or already explained in some form in the games themselves.

Yes, I'm aware they are nitpicks, and I'm aware the category is mostly "for fun", but the quality of these pages is pretty terrible. A proper spring cleaning is in order.

--Warder Dragon 14:55, November 28, 2009 (UTC)

I second this! --Fenyx4 14:42, November 30, 2009 (UTC)
The more I think about it, the more inclined I am to delete these nitpick pages completely, for these reasons:
  • The articles are copied verbatim from Hacki's Nitpick Page without any kind of formatting or rewording. It is not uncommon to see "I" or "me" in these nitpicks.
  • The articles are out of place in the Codex. I believe there is room for levity in our articles as well, but these only really consist of random commentary from random people (even if I happen to personally know and like many of these random people!).
  • The articles are full of factual errors, inconsistencies and personal opinion. Sometimes it's due to a misunderstanding, sometimes it's due to no fact checking having taken place and sometimes it seems like it's simply made up on the spot.
  • I don't think the nitpick articles fulfill a purpose on the Codex. Do they really add any relevant information? If they do, does it make up for the misinformation in the articles?
I'm thinking we could just delete it all, but keep Hacki's Nitpick Page. There's a link to his site there anyway. If there's any particularily interesting information in these nitpicks, it could fit under Trivia in appropriate locations. Thoughts?
--Warder Dragon 12:15, September 29, 2010 (UTC)
I have to say, I agree with this. All the reasons you listed are valid concerns that I've shared for some time. I think they serve a purpose well enough on Hacki's site, but not here. --Terilem 12:25, September 29, 2010 (UTC)
Me too. I always thought we were just hosting them because I thought Hacki's site was down or something. I think they should be done away with. Dungy 12:29, September 29, 2010 (UTC)
In general, I agree with this too. These pages are too biased to be easily cleaned-up. The one thing that I find useful from these pages is the fact that it is interesting to have a list of inconsistencies in or between the games, just like we have pages for bugs in the games. Currently, the nitpicks articles do contain inconsistencies, plus a lot of, well, nitpicks. I support somehow removing this info, but I find it useful to have information about inconsistencies somewhere, if it can be done in an objective, clean way.--Sega381 12:55, September 29, 2010 (UTC)
I'd like to reopen this discussion. The nitpicks stand out as pus-filled sores on an otherwise rather nicely cleaned up wiki. I'm all for just wiping them at this point, but that might be because the sheer amount of work involved in any cleanup effort intimidates me. --Warder Dragon 03:10, 26 May 2011 (PDT)
When I first came to the wiki the nitpicks were a major portion of the content and I disliked them so much that I didn't come back for a year. So, I agree they need to go! But I also agree that combing them for info would be good. *cracks his knuckles* -- Fenyx4 06:29, 26 May 2011 (PDT)
Yep, haven't changed my opinion on this one. The style and content of those pages just seems so incongruous when put into this encyclopedic context. I also think they cultivate a misleading impression for new and/or casual contributors that articles can be treated like talk pages. --Terilem 07:27, 26 May 2011 (PDT)
YES YES YES! I so want to dig into this ASAP, although I probably won't really be able to until I get done with A) My scanlation project and B) the Ultima VII overhaul I've been working on. Still, the nitpicks have long offended my sensibilities and I would like to see them gone or rearranged into trivia. --Blu3vib3 00:35, 30 May 2011 (PDT)

Well, what exactly should we do? One thing I can think of is, to put all the errors on the Tapestry into the article of said item (of couse first cleaned up of opinion).--Tribun 07:39, 26 May 2011 (PDT)

Yeah, that's more or less what Fenyx was talking about above, i.e. vetting the nitpicks for any objectively legitimate trivia and putting it in the relevant articles. It's gonna be a pretty big undertaking. --Terilem 01:45, 28 May 2011 (PDT)
Ultima_IV_Nitpicks and Ultima_III_Nitpicks are done I think. Ultima V Nitpicks is close but I think there might be a few more things to save there. It also occurred to me that moving some of the stuff to the relevant talk pages might work (for the things that don't make it into the actual articles). -- Fenyx4 10:36, 31 May 2011 (PDT)