Category:Ultima VI Icons
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Media in category "Ultima VI Icons"
The following 171 files are in this category, out of 171 total.
- AleU6.png 40 × 40; 229 bytes
- AmuletofSubmissionU6.PNG 80 × 60; 454 bytes
- AnkhU6.png 40 × 40; 280 bytes
- ArrowsU6.png 65 × 40; 949 bytes
- AvatarU6C64.PNG 35 × 35; 232 bytes
- BackpackU6.png 40 × 40; 272 bytes
- BagU6.png 40 × 40; 305 bytes
- Balloonbasket.png 40 × 40; 1,008 bytes
- BasketU6.png 40 × 40; 330 bytes
- BeehiveU6.png 40 × 40; 335 bytes
- BirdU6.PNG 32 × 32; 219 bytes
- BlackPotionU6.PNG 65 × 40; 302 bytes
- BlackShieldU6.PNG 65 × 40; 337 bytes
- BluePotionU6.PNG 65 × 40; 300 bytes
- Bmu6.gif 45 × 45; 1 KB
- BoltsU6.png 65 × 40; 928 bytes
- BoomerangU6.PNG 65 × 40; 300 bytes
- BowU6.PNG 65 × 40; 347 bytes
- Bpu6.gif 45 × 45; 900 bytes
- BrassHelmU6.PNG 65 × 40; 452 bytes
- BreadU6.png 40 × 40; 247 bytes
- BrieU6.png 40 × 40; 227 bytes
- CakeU6.png 40 × 40; 225 bytes
- CannonU6.PNG 65 × 40; 485 bytes
- ChainCoifU6.PNG 65 × 40; 425 bytes
- ChainMailU6.PNG 65 × 40; 407 bytes
- CleaverU6.PNG 65 × 40; 294 bytes
- Clotha.png 32 × 32; 4 KB
- ClothArmourU6.PNG 65 × 40; 357 bytes
- ClothU6.png 40 × 40; 260 bytes
- ClubU6.PNG 65 × 40; 370 bytes
- CrossbowU6.PNG 65 × 40; 349 bytes
- CurvedHeaterU6.PNG 65 × 40; 446 bytes
- DaggerU6.PNG 65 × 40; 324 bytes
- DecorativeSwordU6.PNG 65 × 40; 298 bytes
- DeedU6.png 40 × 40; 1 KB
- DoorShieldU6.PNG 65 × 40; 353 bytes
- DressU6.png 40 × 40; 1 KB
- DupreU6C64.PNG 35 × 35; 229 bytes
- FireWandU6.PNG 65 × 40; 286 bytes
- FishU6.png 40 × 40; 300 bytes
- FlaskofOillU6.PNG 65 × 40; 330 bytes
- FlourU6.png 40 × 40; 294 bytes
- GargoyleBeltU6.PNG 65 × 40; 412 bytes
- GargoyleHelmU6.PNG 65 × 40; 381 bytes
- Gau6.gif 45 × 45; 959 bytes
- GlassSwordU6.PNG 65 × 40; 373 bytes
- GlassU6.png 40 × 40; 230 bytes
- GrainU6.png 40 × 40; 324 bytes
- GrapesU6.png 40 × 40; 268 bytes
- GreenPotionU6.PNG 65 × 40; 321 bytes
- Gsu6.gif 45 × 45; 999 bytes
- HalberdU6.PNG 65 × 40; 359 bytes
- HamU6.png 40 × 40; 270 bytes
- HoeU6.PNG 65 × 40; 293 bytes
- HoneyU6.png 40 × 40; 237 bytes
- HorseshoesU6.png 40 × 40; 218 bytes
- IoloU6C64.PNG 35 × 35; 236 bytes
- IronHelmU6.PNG 65 × 40; 395 bytes
- JarU6.png 40 × 40; 222 bytes
- KiteShieldU6.PNG 65 × 40; 294 bytes
- KnivesU6.PNG 65 × 40; 369 bytes
- LeatherArmourU6.PNG 65 × 40; 402 bytes
- LeatherBootsU6.PNG 65 × 40; 361 bytes
- LeatherHelmU6.PNG 65 × 40; 304 bytes
- LightningWandU6.PNG 65 × 40; 328 bytes
- LockpickU6.PNG 65 × 40; 284 bytes
- LuteU6.PNG 65 × 40; 340 bytes
- MaceU6.PNG 65 × 40; 337 bytes
- MagicArmourU6.PNG 65 × 40; 441 bytes
- MagicBowU6.PNG 65 × 40; 402 bytes
- MagicFanU6.PNG 80 × 60; 488 bytes
- MagicHelmU6.PNG 65 × 40; 346 bytes
- MagicShieldU6.PNG 65 × 40; 445 bytes
- MainGaucheU6.PNG 65 × 40; 368 bytes
- MeadU6.png 40 × 40; 232 bytes
- MilkU6.png 40 × 40; 293 bytes
- MirrorU6.png 40 × 40; 1 KB
- MorningStarU6.PNG 65 × 40; 351 bytes
- Mru6.gif 45 × 45; 1,012 bytes
- Nsu6.gif 45 × 45; 991 bytes
- NuggetU6.png 40 × 40; 179 bytes
- OrangePotionU6.PNG 65 × 40; 319 bytes
- OrboftheMoonU6.PNG 80 × 60; 338 bytes
- PanpipesU6.PNG 65 × 40; 274 bytes
- PantsU6.png 40 × 40; 222 bytes
- PeerGemU6.PNG 65 × 40; 276 bytes
- PickU6.PNG 65 × 40; 329 bytes
- PitchforkU6.PNG 65 × 40; 321 bytes
- PlateMailU6.PNG 65 × 40; 417 bytes
- PorkchopsU6.png 40 × 40; 225 bytes
- Potions.jpg 192 × 96; 42 KB
- PowderKegU6.PNG 65 × 40; 359 bytes
- ProtectionRingU6.PNG 65 × 40; 264 bytes
- PurplePotionU6.PNG 65 × 40; 316 bytes
- PushmePullyuU6.PNG 60 × 60; 640 bytes
- RationsU6.png 40 × 40; 268 bytes
- RedPotionU6.PNG 65 × 40; 304 bytes
- RegenerationRingU6.PNG 65 × 40; 269 bytes
- RibsU6.png 40 × 40; 267 bytes
- RingMailU6.PNG 65 × 40; 418 bytes
- RingofInvisibilityU6.PNG 65 × 40; 272 bytes
- RollingpinU6.PNG 65 × 40; 303 bytes
- RollsU6.png 40 × 40; 270 bytes
- RopeU6.png 40 × 40; 294 bytes
- RuneofCompassionU6.PNG 65 × 40; 338 bytes
- RuneofHonestyU6.PNG 65 × 40; 356 bytes
- RuneofHonorU6.PNG 65 × 40; 346 bytes
- RuneofHumilityU7.PNG 65 × 40; 340 bytes
- RuneofJusticeU6.PNG 65 × 40; 360 bytes
- RuneofSacrifceU6.PNG 65 × 40; 347 bytes
- RuneofSpiritualityU7.PNG 65 × 40; 420 bytes
- RuneofValorU6.PNG 65 × 40; 315 bytes
- Sau6.gif 45 × 45; 995 bytes
- ScaleMailU6.PNG 65 × 40; 419 bytes
- ScytheU6.png 65 × 40; 4 KB
- SerpentAmuletU6.PNG 80 × 60; 514 bytes
- SextantU6.png 40 × 40; 259 bytes
- ShaminoU6C64.PNG 35 × 35; 235 bytes
- ShovelU6.PNG 65 × 40; 359 bytes
- SlingU6.PNG 65 × 40; 369 bytes
- SpearU6.PNG 65 × 40; 289 bytes
- SpellbookiconU6.png 40 × 40; 1,000 bytes
- SpellU6.png 40 × 40; 201 bytes
- SpikedCollarU6.PNG 65 × 40; 300 bytes
- SpikedHelmU6.PNG 65 × 40; 404 bytes
- SpikedShieldU6.PNG 65 × 40; 473 bytes
- Ssu6.gif 45 × 45; 1 KB
- StormCloakU6.PNG 65 × 40; 265 bytes
- SwampBootsU6.PNG 65 × 40; 396 bytes
- SwordU6.PNG 65 × 40; 329 bytes
- Tablet.gif 128 × 64; 683 bytes
- TheBookofCirclesU6.PNG 80 × 60; 446 bytes
- TheBookofPropheciesU6.PNG 80 × 60; 452 bytes
- ThreadU6.png 40 × 40; 309 bytes
- ThrowingAxeU6.PNG 65 × 40; 351 bytes
- TorchU6.png 40 × 40; 945 bytes
- TripleCrossbowU6.PNG 65 × 40; 442 bytes
- TunicU6.png 40 × 40; 235 bytes
- Two-HandedAxeU6.PNG 65 × 40; 391 bytes
- Two-HandedHammerU6.PNG 65 × 40; 330 bytes
- Two-HandedSwordU6.PNG 65 × 40; 440 bytes
- U6-Balloon.gif 64 × 64; 862 bytes
- U6-horse.png 65 × 40; 500 bytes
- U6-Raft.gif 60 × 60; 477 bytes
- U6hammer.png 40 × 40; 185 bytes
- U6keyA.png 28 × 32; 271 bytes
- U6keyB.png 28 × 32; 224 bytes
- U6keyC.png 28 × 32; 224 bytes
- U6KeyD.png 28 × 32; 278 bytes
- U6keyE.png 28 × 32; 225 bytes
- U6keyF.png 28 × 32; 224 bytes
- U6keyG.png 28 × 32; 272 bytes
- U6keyH.png 28 × 32; 269 bytes
- U6keyI.png 28 × 32; 271 bytes
- U6keyJ.png 28 × 32; 268 bytes
- U6keyK.png 28 × 32; 220 bytes
- U6keyL.png 28 × 32; 261 bytes
- U6keyM.png 28 × 32; 307 bytes
- U6keyN.png 28 × 32; 261 bytes
- UrnU6.png 40 × 40; 346 bytes
- WhitePotionU6.PNG 65 × 40; 279 bytes
- WineU6.png 40 × 40; 220 bytes
- WingedHelmU6.PNG 65 × 40; 494 bytes
- WingedShieldU6.PNG 65 × 40; 440 bytes
- WoodenShieldU6.PNG 65 × 40; 535 bytes
- WoolU6.png 40 × 40; 339 bytes
- YellowPotionU6.PNG 65 × 40; 308 bytes
- Yewlog.png 40 × 40; 312 bytes
- YewStaffU6.PNG 65 × 40; 357 bytes
- ZuYlemU6.PNG 65 × 46; 369 bytes