Category:Ultima VII Part Two Icons
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Media in category "Ultima VII Part Two Icons"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 252 total.
(previous page) (next page)- AbacusofLogicSI.png 80 × 50; 424 bytes
- AmuletofBalanceSI.png 78 × 62; 377 bytes
- AnkhSI.png 40 × 40; 278 bytes
- Anti-DupreSI.png 78 × 62; 1 KB
- Anti-ShaminoSI.png 78 × 62; 1 KB
- AntiqueArmourSI.PNG 65 × 40; 460 bytes
- ArachnianSI.png 100 × 115; 2 KB
- Aram-DolSI.png 78 × 62; 1 KB
- ArmoredBootsSI.PNG 65 × 40; 305 bytes
- BabyIceDragonSI.png 78 × 62; 1,008 bytes
- BatlinsMedallionSI.png 78 × 62; 375 bytes
- BearCloakSI.png 65 × 40; 514 bytes
- Bearpelt.png 50 × 65; 465 bytes
- BearSI.png 78 × 76; 1,015 bytes
- BearSkullSI.PNG 40 × 40; 368 bytes
- Beaverpelt.png 50 × 65; 354 bytes
- BeltofStrengthSI.PNG 65 × 40; 314 bytes
- BlackBluePotionSI.PNG 65 × 40; 299 bytes
- BlackBootsSI.PNG 65 × 40; 312 bytes
- BlackrockSerpentBalanceSI.png 40 × 60; 250 bytes
- BlackrockSerpentChaosSI.png 40 × 45; 1 KB
- BlackrockSerpentCombinedSI.png 78 × 62; 576 bytes
- BlackrockSerpentOrderSI.png 40 × 45; 298 bytes
- BlackSwordSI.png 65 × 62; 461 bytes
- BloodSpawnSI.PNG 40 × 40; 415 bytes
- BlueWhiteSI.PNG 65 × 40; 283 bytes
- BoarSI.png 78 × 62; 906 bytes
- BoneHairbrushSI.PNG 40 × 40; 229 bytes
- Boydon.png 78 × 67; 892 bytes
- BrassAutomatonSI.png 78 × 62; 1 KB
- BrassShieldSI.PNG 65 × 42; 412 bytes
- BreastPlateSI.PNG 65 × 40; 482 bytes
- BronzeAutomatonSI.png 78 × 62; 955 bytes
- CandleSI.png 40 × 40; 953 bytes
- CantraSI.png 78 × 62; 620 bytes
- CaptainSI.PNG 78 × 62; 814 bytes
- CatmanSI.PNG 78 × 62; 924 bytes
- ChainofToleranceSI.png 80 × 50; 395 bytes
- CloakSI.PNG 80 × 55; 695 bytes
- Columna'sStockingsSI.PNG 65 × 40; 402 bytes
- CombofBeautySI.png 78 × 62; 417 bytes
- CounselorSI.PNG 78 × 62; 870 bytes
- CrystalRoseofLoveSI.png 78 × 62; 442 bytes
- CurvedHeaterSI.PNG 65 × 40; 370 bytes
- DaggerSI.png 80 × 50; 449 bytes
- DarkMonkFemaleSI.png 78 × 62; 1 KB
- DarkMonkMaleSI.png 78 × 62; 1 KB
- DoorShieldSI.PNG 65 × 42; 416 bytes
- DragonslayerSwordSI.PNG 65 × 70; 561 bytes
- DraxinarSI.PNG 106 × 147; 3 KB
- Dream CrystalSI.png 78 × 62; 494 bytes
- DreamCreatureSI.png 78 × 80; 1,020 bytes
- DreamCrystalSI.PNG 142 × 100; 1 KB
- Dupre'sShieldSI.PNG 65 × 42; 339 bytes
- EmotionPrismSI.png 80 × 50; 324 bytes
- EmptySoulPrismSI.png 80 × 50; 286 bytes
- EngagementRingSI.PNG 40 × 40; 163 bytes
- EnthusiasmPrismSI.png 80 × 50; 349 bytes
- Erinon'sAxeSI.PNG 65 × 45; 498 bytes
- EverlastingGobletSI.PNG 50 × 50; 1,019 bytes
- EyeofTheSerpentChaosSI.PNG 105 × 100; 703 bytes
- EyeofTheSerpentOrderSI.PNG 105 × 100; 680 bytes
- EyeoftheSerpentSI.PNG 40 × 40; 191 bytes
- FawnAle.png 40 × 40; 1 KB
- FawnGuardSI.png 78 × 62; 686 bytes
- FemalePikemanSI.PNG 78 × 62; 773 bytes
- FighterBlackSI.PNG 78 × 62; 754 bytes
- FighterGreenSI.PNG 78 × 62; 805 bytes
- FighterOrangeSI.PNG 78 × 62; 742 bytes
- FilariSI.PNG 40 × 40; 444 bytes
- FiredoomStaffSI.PNG 65 × 65; 634 bytes
- FireElementalSI.png 78 × 62; 770 bytes
- FireSwordSI.PNG 65 × 42; 409 bytes
- FireWandSI.PNG 65 × 40; 290 bytes
- FluxAnalyzerSI.PNG 100 × 100; 1 KB
- FrostSerpentSI.png 132 × 120; 3 KB
- FurBootsSI.PNG 65 × 40; 323 bytes
- FurCapSI.PNG 65 × 40; 320 bytes
- GargoyleNobleSI.PNG 98 × 90; 1 KB
- GauntletsofQuicknessSI.PNG 65 × 40; 333 bytes
- GhostFemaleSI.png 78 × 62; 660 bytes
- GhostMaleSI.png 78 × 62; 638 bytes
- GhoulSI.PNG 78 × 62; 642 bytes
- GoblinFemaleSI.png 78 × 62; 739 bytes
- GoblinMaleSI.png 78 × 62; 735 bytes
- GuardSI.PNG 78 × 62; 820 bytes
- GuildersSI.PNG 42 × 40; 337 bytes
- Gwani CloakSI.png 65 × 40; 585 bytes
- GwaniChildSI.PNG 78 × 62; 628 bytes
- GwaniHornSI.png 78 × 62; 456 bytes
- Gwanipelt.png 50 × 65; 675 bytes
- GwaniSI.png 78 × 62; 1 KB
- GwaniStolenAmuletSI.png 80 × 60; 370 bytes
- GwennoSerpentIsle.PNG 78 × 62; 811 bytes
- HammerofDedicationSI.PNG 65 × 54; 487 bytes
- HammerSI.PNG 65 × 40; 372 bytes
- HealerSI.PNG 78 × 62; 817 bytes
- HeartofEmotionSI.png 80 × 50; 400 bytes
- HelmofCourageSI.PNG 65 × 40; 343 bytes
- HelmofLightSI.PNG 65 × 40; 302 bytes
- HoneycakeSI.png 40 × 40; 215 bytes
- HoundofDoskarSI.png 78 × 63; 1 KB
- HoundWhistleSI.png 78 × 62; 372 bytes
- HourglassofFateSI.png 78 × 62; 624 bytes
- IceCorpserSI.png 78 × 62; 925 bytes
- IceDragonSI.png 126 × 155; 3 KB
- IceElementalSI.png 82 × 69; 1 KB
- IceTrollSI.png 78 × 68; 903 bytes
- IceWineSI.PNG 40 × 40; 352 bytes
- IceWormSI.png 78 × 62; 712 bytes
- InfinityBowSI.PNG 65 × 66; 505 bytes
- IronAutomatonSI.png 78 × 62; 1 KB
- IsstanarSI.PNG 78 × 62; 795 bytes
- JewelerySI.PNG 40 × 40; 316 bytes
- KeyRingSI.png 78 × 62; 551 bytes
- King'sSaviorSI.png 80 × 50; 486 bytes
- KylistaSI.PNG 78 × 62; 932 bytes
- LabApparatusSI.PNG 40 × 40; 269 bytes
- LeatherArmourSI.PNG 65 × 40; 421 bytes
- LeatherHelmSI.PNG 65 × 40; 257 bytes
- LightningWhipSI.PNG 65 × 45; 484 bytes
- LightTorchSI.png 80 × 50; 607 bytes
- LivingToupeeSI.PNG 65 × 40; 321 bytes
- MadIoloSI.png 78 × 62; 1 KB
- MageBlueBaretSI.PNG 78 × 62; 900 bytes
- MageGoldBlackMantleSI.PNG 78 × 62; 808 bytes
- MagelingSI.PNG 78 × 62; 860 bytes
- MageOrangeBlueSI.PNG 78 × 62; 878 bytes
- MageRedSI.PNG 78 × 62; 840 bytes
- MageWomanSI.PNG 78 × 62; 877 bytes
- MagicArmourSI.PNG 65 × 40; 525 bytes
- MagicAxeSI.PNG 65 × 43; 478 bytes
- MagicCompassSI.png 78 × 62; 439 bytes
- MagicGremlinSI.png 78 × 62; 583 bytes
- MagicHarpSI.PNG 100 × 100; 665 bytes
- MagicHelmSI.PNG 65 × 40; 357 bytes
- MagicLensSI.PNG 100 × 100; 985 bytes
- MagicShieldSI.PNG 65 × 44; 510 bytes
- MagicSwordSI.PNG 65 × 42; 365 bytes
- ManBrownBlueSI.PNG 78 × 62; 763 bytes
- ManGoldenSI.PNG 78 × 62; 836 bytes
- ManGreyBlackSI.PNG 78 × 62; 884 bytes
- ManRedBaretSI.PNG 78 × 62; 861 bytes
- MirrorofTruthSI.png 78 × 62; 421 bytes
- MirrorSI.png 40 × 40; 283 bytes
- MonetariSI.PNG 40 × 40; 329 bytes
- Moon'sEyeSI.png 78 × 62; 679 bytes
- MummySI.png 78 × 62; 1,008 bytes
- Muskartpelt.png 50 × 65; 431 bytes
- NagaSI.png 78 × 62; 1 KB
- NightmareSI.png 101 × 108; 2 KB
- OillampSI.png 40 × 40; 254 bytes
- OldManSI.PNG 78 × 62; 879 bytes
- OphidianSwordSI.PNG 65 × 51; 481 bytes
- OrbofElerionSI.png 78 × 62; 530 bytes
- ParrotSI.png 78 × 62; 466 bytes
- PenguinEggSI.PNG 40 × 40; 184 bytes
- PenguinSI.png 78 × 62; 536 bytes
- PetraSI.PNG 78 × 62; 751 bytes
- Philanderer'sFriendSI.PNG 100 × 100; 487 bytes
- PhoenixSI.png 78 × 62; 445 bytes
- PikemanSI.PNG 78 × 62; 785 bytes
- PineconeSI.PNG 40 × 40; 211 bytes
- PlateArmourSI.PNG 65 × 40; 477 bytes
- PlumedHelmetSI.PNG 65 × 40; 396 bytes
- PolarBearSI.png 78 × 78; 1 KB
- PomdirgunSI.PNG 78 × 62; 911 bytes
- PowderKegSI.PNG 152 × 60; 1 KB
- PumiceSI.PNG 40 × 40; 187 bytes
- RangerMaleSI.png 78 × 72; 745 bytes
- RatManSI.PNG 78 × 62; 696 bytes
- RedCloakSI.png 65 × 40; 612 bytes
- RedYellowPotionSI.PNG 65 × 40; 256 bytes
- RingofReagentsSI.PNG 65 × 40; 187 bytes
- RoseofEnthusiasmSI.png 80 × 50; 617 bytes
- ScaleArmourSI.PNG 65 × 40; 438 bytes
- SceptreSI.PNG 100 × 100; 950 bytes
- SerpentArmourSI.PNG 65 × 40; 494 bytes
- SerpentArrowsSI.PNG 65 × 48; 569 bytes
- SerpentCrownSI.PNG 65 × 40; 310 bytes
- SerpentDaggerSI.png 65 × 40; 317 bytes
- SerpentEarringsSI.PNG 65 × 40; 237 bytes
- SerpentNecklaceSI.PNG 40 × 40; 289 bytes
- SerpentRingSI.PNG 40 × 40; 153 bytes
- SerpentScalesSI.PNG 40 × 40; 354 bytes
- SerpentSceptreSI.PNG 65 × 40; 338 bytes
- SerpentStaffSI.PNG 65 × 71; 444 bytes
- SerpentSwordSI.PNG 65 × 53; 507 bytes
- SerpentTeethSI.PNG 114 × 80; 825 bytes
- SeveredHandSI.PNG 40 × 40; 239 bytes
- ShieldofMonitorSI.PNG 65 × 40; 342 bytes
- SIcombinedsnakes.png 116 × 64; 2 KB
- SIkey1.png 20 × 10; 928 bytes
- SIkey2.png 20 × 10; 931 bytes
- SIkey3.png 13 × 21; 938 bytes
- SIkey4.png 21 × 11; 171 bytes
- SIkey5.png 22 × 14; 940 bytes
- SIkey6.png 22 × 10; 933 bytes
- SIkey7.png 21 × 11; 932 bytes
- SIkey8.png 20 × 10; 341 bytes