Category:Ultima VII Icons
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Media in category "Ultima VII Icons"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 399 total.
(previous page) (next page)- Abacusicon.png 40 × 40; 239 bytes
- AbrahamU7.PNG 78 × 64; 902 bytes
- Acid SlugU7.png 78 × 65; 790 bytes
- AlagnerU7.PNG 78 × 62; 727 bytes
- Alcohol.png 40 × 40; 333 bytes
- AleU7.png 40 × 40; 264 bytes
- AlligatorU7.png 65 × 123; 1,005 bytes
- AmmunitionU7.PNG 65 × 40; 243 bytes
- AnkhU7.png 40 × 40; 266 bytes
- AntiqueArmourU7.png 65 × 40; 455 bytes
- Apple.png 40 × 40; 242 bytes
- ArrowsU7.PNG 65 × 51; 594 bytes
- BackpackU7.png 40 × 40; 326 bytes
- BagU7.png 40 × 40; 255 bytes
- Banana.png 40 × 40; 200 bytes
- BandagesU7.png 40 × 40; 167 bytes
- BarkeeperU7.png 78 × 64; 731 bytes
- BatlinU7.PNG 78 × 62; 795 bytes
- BatU7.png 78 × 62; 553 bytes
- BedrolliconU7.png 65 × 40; 367 bytes
- Beef.png 40 × 40; 282 bytes
- BeeStingerU7.png 80 × 80; 335 bytes
- BeeU7.PNG 78 × 62; 940 bytes
- BeggarU7.png 85 × 62; 854 bytes
- BeggarWithoutLegsU7.png 78 × 62; 739 bytes
- BellU7.png 40 × 40; 276 bytes
- BirdU7.png 78 × 62; 814 bytes
- BlackPearlU7.PNG 40 × 40; 213 bytes
- BlackPotionU7.PNG 65 × 40; 267 bytes
- BlackrockU7.PNG 78 × 50; 418 bytes
- BlacksmithU7.png 78 × 62; 684 bytes
- BlackSwordU7.PNG 65 × 60; 568 bytes
- BloodMossU7.PNG 40 × 40; 311 bytes
- BlowgunU7.PNG 65 × 40; 288 bytes
- BlueConcaveU7.PNG 89 × 65; 643 bytes
- BluePotionU7.PNG 65 × 40; 247 bytes
- BoltsU7.PNG 65 × 40; 406 bytes
- BoomerangU7.PNG 65 × 40; 282 bytes
- BoquetU7.png 40 × 45; 421 bytes
- BowU7.PNG 65 × 64; 402 bytes
- Bread.png 40 × 46; 268 bytes
- Bread2.png 40 × 40; 240 bytes
- BucketU7.png 40 × 40; 324 bytes
- BucklerU7.png 65 × 40; 297 bytes
- BurstArrowsU7.PNG 65 × 58; 627 bytes
- CaddelliteHelmU7.PNG 65 × 40; 398 bytes
- Cake.png 40 × 40; 303 bytes
- CaltropsU7.png 40 × 40; 344 bytes
- Cannonball.png 40 × 40; 944 bytes
- CannonU7.PNG 97 × 77; 1 KB
- Carrots.png 40 × 40; 429 bytes
- CatU7.png 78 × 62; 805 bytes
- ChainArmourU7.jpg 65 × 40; 2 KB
- ChainCoifU7.png 65 × 40; 331 bytes
- ChainLeggingsU7.png 65 × 65; 569 bytes
- Cheese.PNG 40 × 40; 288 bytes
- Cheesewedge.png 40 × 40; 230 bytes
- Chickenfood.png 40 × 40; 319 bytes
- ChickenU7.png 78 × 62; 713 bytes
- ChildBlueClothesU7.png 78 × 62; 758 bytes
- ChildU7.PNG 78 × 62; 582 bytes
- Clawring.png 40 × 40; 187 bytes
- CleaverU7.PNG 65 × 40; 309 bytes
- CloakU7.png 78 × 57; 938 bytes
- ClothU7.png 40 × 40; 272 bytes
- ClubU7.PNG 65 × 40; 371 bytes
- CompanionDupreU7.PNG 78 × 62; 818 bytes
- CompanionIoloU7.PNG 78 × 62; 776 bytes
- CompanionJaanaU7.PNG 78 × 62; 812 bytes
- CompanionShaminoU7.PNG 78 × 62; 747 bytes
- CompanionSparkU7.PNG 78 × 62; 575 bytes
- CorpserU7.png 78 × 62; 1 KB
- CowU7.png 93 × 100; 3 KB
- Cradle.png 65 × 65; 465 bytes
- CrestedHelmU7.png 65 × 40; 508 bytes
- CrossbowU7.PNG 65 × 43; 418 bytes
- CubeU7.png 40 × 40; 3 KB
- CurvedHeaterU7.png 65 × 42; 380 bytes
- CustomSwordU7.PNG 65 × 49; 485 bytes
- CyclopsU7.png 115 × 95; 3 KB
- DaggerU7.PNG 65 × 40; 333 bytes
- DarkCore.PNG 80 × 80; 643 bytes
- DeathScytheU7.PNG 65 × 49; 559 bytes
- DecorativeSwordU7.PNG 65 × 52; 516 bytes
- DeedU7.png 40 × 40; 1,001 bytes
- DeedU72.png 40 × 40; 221 bytes
- Deermeat.png 40 × 40; 326 bytes
- DeerU7.png 83 × 93; 2 KB
- DogU7.png 78 × 62; 597 bytes
- DragonU7.PNG 125 × 127; 3 KB
- DrakeU7.PNG 123 × 128; 3 KB
- DressU7.png 65 × 65; 529 bytes
- Drinks.png 40 × 40; 232 bytes
- Earring.png 40 × 40; 215 bytes
- EggU7.png 40 × 40; 182 bytes
- ElizabethU7.PNG 78 × 64; 868 bytes
- EmpU7.PNG 78 × 62; 615 bytes
- Enchanted Hourglass.PNG 81 × 69; 706 bytes
- EntertainerFemaleU7.PNG 78 × 66; 800 bytes
- Ethereal RingU7.png 65 × 40; 191 bytes
- EtherealMonsterU7.PNG 127 × 126; 3 KB
- FellowshipMemberFemaleU7.png 78 × 62; 1 KB
- FellowshipMemberMaleU7.png 78 × 62; 1 KB
- FellowshipStaffU7.PNG 65 × 62; 397 bytes
- FighterFemaleU7.PNG 78 × 63; 743 bytes
- FighterSparklesU7.png 78 × 62; 541 bytes
- FighterU7.png 78 × 62; 761 bytes
- FighterWomanU7.PNG 78 × 62; 730 bytes
- FiredoomStaffU7.PNG 65 × 65; 663 bytes
- FireSwordU7.PNG 65 × 41; 369 bytes
- FireWandU7.PNG 65 × 40; 290 bytes
- Fish n' Chips.PNG 40 × 40; 281 bytes
- FishingRodU7.PNG 83 × 63; 524 bytes
- FishU7.png 78 × 62; 437 bytes
- FlamingOilU7.PNG 65 × 40; 376 bytes
- Flounder.png 40 × 40; 306 bytes
- FlourU7.png 40 × 40; 306 bytes
- FlyingGargoyleU7.PNG 140 × 72; 2 KB
- ForskisU7.PNG 78 × 64; 753 bytes
- FoxU7.png 78 × 62; 785 bytes
- FrankU7.PNG 78 × 62; 597 bytes
- FruitCake.PNG 40 × 40; 278 bytes
- GargoyleNobleU7.PNG 88 × 82; 1 KB
- GargoyleWarriorU7.PNG 90 × 80; 1 KB
- GargoyleWorkerU7.png 78 × 62; 700 bytes
- GarlicU7.PNG 40 × 40; 293 bytes
- GauntletsU7.png 65 × 40; 327 bytes
- GazerU7.png 84 × 80; 1 KB
- GemU7.PNG 40 × 40; 210 bytes
- GhostManU7.png 78 × 62; 499 bytes
- GhostU7.png 93 × 65; 913 bytes
- GhostWomanU7.PNG 78 × 62; 504 bytes
- GinsengU7.PNG 40 × 40; 326 bytes
- GlassSwordU7.png 65 × 50; 364 bytes
- GoldBarU7.PNG 40 × 40; 240 bytes
- Goldchain.png 40 × 40; 297 bytes
- GoldCoinsU7.PNG 40 × 40; 263 bytes
- GoldNuggetU7.PNG 40 × 40; 234 bytes
- Goldring.png 40 × 40; 937 bytes
- GolemU7.png 83 × 62; 1 KB
- GorgetU7.png 65 × 40; 316 bytes
- Grapes.png 40 × 40; 261 bytes
- GreatDaggerU7.PNG 65 × 40; 341 bytes
- GreatHelmU7.png 65 × 40; 391 bytes
- GreavesU7.png 65 × 40; 309 bytes
- Green Cheese.PNG 40 × 40; 302 bytes
- GreencloakU7.png 65 × 40; 415 bytes
- GreenPotionU7.PNG 65 × 40; 277 bytes
- GremlinU7.png 78 × 62; 442 bytes
- GuardBlueU7.png 78 × 62; 1 KB
- GuardU7.png 78 × 62; 1 KB
- GypsyU7.PNG 78 × 62; 807 bytes
- HalberdU7.PNG 87 × 87; 799 bytes
- Ham.png 40 × 40; 304 bytes
- HammerU7.PNG 65 × 40; 385 bytes
- Harp.PNG 78 × 50; 712 bytes
- Harpsichord.PNG 89 × 65; 819 bytes
- HarpyU7.png 121 × 80; 2 KB
- HawkU7.PNG 65 × 40; 450 bytes
- HeadlessU7.png 78 × 62; 782 bytes
- HighwaymanU7.png 78 × 62; 687 bytes
- HoeofDestructionU7.PNG 65 × 55; 430 bytes
- HoeU7.PNG 65 × 60; 420 bytes
- HoodU7.png 40 × 40; 292 bytes
- HookU7.PNG 78 × 64; 771 bytes
- Horncaps.png 40 × 40; 189 bytes
- HorseU7.PNG 98 × 108; 2 KB
- HourglassU7.png 40 × 40; 415 bytes
- HydraU7.PNG 137 × 132; 3 KB
- InsectU7.png 78 × 62; 301 bytes
- Invisidust.png 40 × 40; 1 KB
- JarU7.png 40 × 40; 234 bytes
- Jerky.png 40 × 40; 210 bytes
- JesterU7.png 78 × 66; 919 bytes
- JuggernautHammerU7.PNG 65 × 40; 420 bytes
- KidneyBeltU7.png 65 × 40; 325 bytes
- KissmeU7.PNG 88 × 112; 1 KB
- KiteShieldU7.png 65 × 42; 271 bytes
- KnifeU7.png 65 × 58; 368 bytes
- LasherU7.PNG 112 × 104; 2 KB
- LeatherArmourU7.jpg 65 × 40; 4 KB
- LeatherBootsU7.png 65 × 40; 315 bytes
- LeatherCollarU7.png 65 × 40; 310 bytes
- LeatherGlovesU7.png 65 × 40; 251 bytes
- LeatherHelmU7.png 65 × 40; 1 KB
- LeatherLeggingsU7.png 65 × 42; 360 bytes
- Leeks.png 40 × 40; 217 bytes
- Liche2U7.PNG 78 × 62; 746 bytes
- LichePotionU7.PNG 81 × 69; 479 bytes
- LicheU7.PNG 78 × 62; 823 bytes
- LightningWandU7.PNG 65 × 40; 298 bytes
- LightningWhipU7.PNG 65 × 48; 534 bytes
- LitTorchU7.PNG 65 × 50; 456 bytes
- LockpicksU7.PNG 65 × 40; 251 bytes
- LordBritishU7.png 78 × 62; 1 KB
- LordDraxinusomU7.PNG 96 × 96; 1 KB
- LoveArrowsU7.PNG 65 × 58; 655 bytes
- LuckyArrowsU7.PNG 65 × 52; 505 bytes
- Lute.PNG 78 × 50; 516 bytes
- Lyre.PNG 78 × 50; 471 bytes