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Equipment Commands Magic Leveling Bestiary Features

Fishing Rod

A handy tool for a hungry party that happens to be near a river or sea. Note: To use, keep the rod in the cursor and press U to "Use On" the space of water.


For picking locked doors and chests. Some doors and chests are not pickable, and will require the key.

Powder Keg

When one has run out of patience with lockpicks, one can use this explosive to open locked doors.


A tool that is certainly the navigator and sailor's friend. It pinpoints the coordinates that the party is currently located.


An essential tool for digging - especially when digging for hidden treasure.

To use a random treasure maps, equip a shovel, have the map on the cursor, and press USE to use the map on the ground. It will say "NOTHING!" if the map was not used on the correct spot.


Essential light source for the night, especially when the moons are low, or when exploring dungeons and caves.