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Icon Skill Level Description
Magic Bolt 0 The standard attack of the Mage is to hurl bolts of magic from a distance.
MoonfireOrbIcon.png Moonfire Orb 1 Deals Medium damage to all enemies nearby the current target. Damage doubled against Stunned enemies.
BlinkIcon.png Blink 3 Teleports you to the targeted location over 1 second, dealing High damage to all nearby enemies. Momentarily stuns enemies at a target location. Allows passage over otherwise-impassable terrain.
FreezeIcon.png Freeze 6 Stuns all enemies in a frontal line. Deals Extreme damage to Slowed enemies. Lasts 3 seconds.
ColdSnapIcon.png Cold Snap 8 Stuns all visible enemies. Deals Extreme+ damage to Slowed enemies. Lasts 6 seconds.
Celestial Call 10 Kills all visible enemies. Bosses are resistant to this ability. Defeating enemies builds the momentum required to use Ultimate abilities.
ThunderclapIcon.png Thunderclap 11 Deals Medium damage and causes Knockback to all nearby enemies.
Shock 12 Causes Medium damage. Stuns the current target and all nearby enemies. Lasts 2 seconds. Has a chance to chain to more distant enemies for increased damage.
Lunar Crash 13 Deals High damage and causes Knockback to all enemies within the target area after 1 second. Damage doubled against Stunned enemies.
LunarPowerIcon.png Lunar Power 14 Increases all damage dealt by 100%. Lasts 10 seconds
Arc Lightning 15 Tap and hold to deal Extreme+ damage over a maximum of 3 seconds to all enemies within the target area.

Just storing this here until I can figure out how to make the images smaller.

You can probably format them using a template, although I'm not sure how to format it to output a table. Its a place to start tho... --Browncoat Jayson (talk) 02:13, 27 June 2013 (UTC)
Arg! Why is it getting shifted to the bottom of the page?! -- Fenyx4 15:33, 3 July 2013 (UTC)
Rock on! Looks good. --Browncoat Jayson (talk) 18:18, 3 July 2013 (UTC)

just wanted to store this somewhere in case I get ambitious someday