Amnesic ghost

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Amnesic ghost
Amnesic ghost, from Ultima VII Part Two
Species: ghost
CollapseUltima VII Part Two
Location: Skullcrusher

The amnesic ghost is one of the six restless undead bound to Skullcrusher in Ultima VII Part Two due to the Imbalance.


His past was unclear, due to his memory being damaged by his spectral existence, but like the other inhabitants of Skullcrusher he was murdered when Order troops massacred the populace of the city.

When being approached by the Avatar in the theatre of Skullcrusher, where he bemoaned the fate of Chaos together with Sansalys, Sesyntho and the Soldier Ghost, he suffered from his loss of identity and despite wanting to escape to the void, he was forbidden to do so. He spoke of the other three ghosts in the theatre, and how the four of them grieved for Chaos, as it had been destroyed by Order. He however felt that Order had only won a Pyrrhic victory, and that without Balance the land was doomed, despite how that went against the more extreme teachings of Chaos.

It was only with the Avatar restoring Balance, that he did finally find peace.