Taper of Sacrifice

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The Taper of Sacrifice is one of the eight talismans of Sir Cabirus, representing the virtue of Sacrifice.



Crafted by the finest artisans of Minoc, this special candle once illuminated the Shrine of Sacrifice. It is special in the fact that it never burns down, making it a never ending, though limited, light source. It is a strong symbol of virtue. It appeared in Ultima Underworld, where the Taper of Sacrifice had been kept by the Knights of the Crux Ansata until it was stolen by the mad Zak on his frantic search for light sources. The Avatar found Zak in the third level of the Abyss, and, after being informed of the theft by Trisch, the former keeper of the Taper, traded the Taper for light sources and food. It was later cast into the lava of the Abyss, in order to banish to Slasher of Veils.


Crafted by the finest artisans of Minoc, this candle was once used to illuminate the Shrine of Sacrifice. I am told that none may bathe in the light from this taper without appreciating this truth — that the candle produces light only through its own destruction.

Talismans of Sir Cabirus
Book of HonestyWine of CompassionShield of ValorCaliburnTaper of SacrificeStandard of HonorCup of WonderRing of Humility