Standard of Honor

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The Standard of Honor is one of the eight talismans of Sir Cabirus, representing the virtue of Honor.



The standard was once carried by Sir Geraci, who during Lord British’s ill-fated expedition into the Underworld was killed by large winged creatures with matted, brown fur and sharp, unsheathed claws, showing honor to the end. It is a strong symbol of virtue. It appeared in Ultima Underworld, where it was kept by the Knights of the Crux Ansata after gaining it in the chaos following Cabirus' death. The Avatar received it from Dorna Ironfist, their leader, after destroying their worst enemy, the chaos knight Rodrick. It was later cast into the lava of the Abyss, in order to banish to Slasher of Veils.


This banner was carried by none other than Sir Geraci, who was slain at Lord British's side during the ill-fated expedition to the Underworld (as related in Warriors of Destiny). Though Geraci could have saved himself by fleeing, he instead upheld his oath to serve his king until death.


  • The description in the manual is in error, since Sir Geraci actually was a woman, as made clear in Ultima V.

Talismans of Sir Cabirus
Book of HonestyWine of CompassionShield of ValorCaliburnTaper of SacrificeStandard of HonorCup of WonderRing of Humility