Order of the Silver Serpent

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Located in the fortress Serpent's Hold on the Isle of Deeds the Order of the Silver Serpent is the highest acclaimed order of warriors in Britannia


The order is serving the land with honor and justice. Striving not only to follow the virtue of Valor, but also Sacrifice, Honor and Spirituality, they dedicate their lives to live up to the principle of Courage. Besides following the virtues and being one the best warriors of the realm, to be accepted into the order, one has to obtain a magical shield with the coat of arms of the order on it. Following the initiation, one is measured on his deeds.

After first appearing in Ultima IV, the order had changed only very little over time. At the time of Ultima V, the order stood in direct opposition to Lord Blackthorn, wanting no part of the dictatorship Britannia had become. During the gargoyle war in Ultima VI, the Avatar joined the order. The order stood for its ideals even when the values of Britannia were being undermined by the Guardian and his Fellowship in Ultima VII.

After the destruction of Serpent's Hold during the Great Cataclysm, the remnants of the order left for the Valorian Isles, and helped on the reconstruction of Jhelom, naming this new city Valoria. As a result the Order of the Silver Serpent was disbanded, replaced by the newly born Knights of Valoria.


The headquarters for the Order of the Silver Serpent is on an island south of the Cape of Heroes. This wooded fortress was given to the members of the Order by Lord British in recognition of their outstanding service. A visit to Serpent Castle will instill within the traveler a true feeling for the ways of chivalry.
A bastion of Honor, Valor and triumph, Serpent's Hold is the castle headquarters of the Order of the Silver Serpent and the training center for Britannia's armed militia. Many noble and brave warriors have set forth in our defense from this garrison on the Isle of Deeds. The most skilled of these warriors, grizzled veterans all, have selflessly returned to instruct the new recruits in the ways of attack and defense. Recently, a dozen squads of the finest from Serpent's Hold went out to attack the camps of the invading gargoyles. Few returned to tell about it.
This opulent castle fortress is home of the Honorable Order of the Silver Serpent, the training camp for the armed militiamen of Britannia. Here fighting men learn more than just the martial arts. They are taught Honor and Valor as well. Instruction in the ways of the warrior may be obtained and one may purchase reliable weapons, armour and provisions here. The Meditation Retreat of The Fellowship is located on an island east of Serpent's Hold.
They with a wish to test themselves can find willing testers on the shores of Valoria. Jhelom, the old city of valor was destroyed by volcanic eruption, and Serpent's Hold, home to the Order of the Silver Serpent, was lost.
– from Journal (Ultima IX)


Ultima VI[edit]

Ultima VII[edit]


  • The Avatar does have the option to join the order in Ultima VI, so as to acquire a magical shield for Morchella.
  • The Knights of Valoria are not following the ideal of the old order that strives for all virtues the come from Courage. The knights only follow Valor.