Mana arrows

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Mana arrow

Mana arrows are created by infusing a bit of a caster's mana into normal arrows.


The results of this investment are amazing. A mana arrow is much more destructive than normal arrows and always hits the against the enemy's vulnerability. Additionally, it is capable of breaking magic barriers, which is especially useful against slasher daemons, who stay outside of the ranger of magical melee weapons. The only danger is, that the caster becomes depleted of mana in the heat of battle.

Effectiveness of the Ammunition[edit]

A mana arrow causes 45 points of damage, hitting the target's vulnerability, and requires 10 mana to use.


Through training, a warrior can master the four forms of attack and, in so doing, improve his distance, accuracy, and damage. To acquire a new form of attack, a warrior must bring nimble fingers, a good eye and gold to a suitably skilled master. As a warrior gains strength, he can begin to train with the larger bows which inflict greater damage.
– from Journal (Ultima IX)


  • These arrows only exist in Ultima IX after learning the fourth bow technique from Iolo.[1]


  1. McCubbin, Chris et al. "Weapons". Ultima IX Strategy Guide (Ultima IX: Ascension). Prima Publishing: 1999. Pages 56-61.

Melee Weapons
Basic Melee Weapons AxeBladed staffClubCustom swordCutlassDaggerDecorative swordDum‑dumHalberdHammerJeweled weaponsKnifeMaceMain gaucheMorning starPoison daggerSaberScimitarSerpentine daggerSerpentine swordSilver swordSpearSpiked helm ☥ Spiked shield ☥ StaffSwordTwo‑handed axeTwo‑handed hammerTwo‑handed sword
Enhanced Melee Weapons Blackrock swordExotic WeaponsFire swordGlass swordGreat daggerLightning swordLightning whipMagic swordMystic WeaponsSword of defense
Ranged Weapons
Basic Ranged Weapons BlowgunBoomerangBowCrossbowIolo’s bowFlaming oilHawkMusketSiege bowSlingThrowing axeTriple crossbow
Enhanced Ranged Weapons Anachronistic weaponsFire wandInfinity bowLightning wandLightning whipMagic axeMagic boomerangMagic bowMagician’s wandStarbursts
Basic Ammuntion AmmunitionArrowsBoltsCannonballsSling stones
Enhanced Ammuntion Burst arrowsFire arrowsLove arrowsLucky arrowsMagic arrowsMagic boltsMana arrowsSerpent arrowsSleep arrows
Non-traditional Weapons
Non-traditional Weapons CannonCleaverDeath scytheFellowship staffFishing rodHammerHoeHoe of DestructionPickPitchforkPowder kegRakeRock hammer ☥ Rolling pin ☥ ScytheShearsShovelTongsTorchesWhip
Other Weapons Weapons in Savage EmpireWeapons in Martian DreamsGlovesRope & spikes
Specific Weapons
Specific Enchanted Weapons Axe of Fire DoomAxe of Life StealingBlade of StrikingBone CrusherCudgel of EntryCrook of CharmingDeceiverErinon’s axeFiredoom staffFlame StingFrost swordGringoletHammer of DedicationJuggernaut hammerMace of Undead BaneMagebaneProtectorKorghin’s FangScimitar of Khumash‑GorSlayerSword of Poison WeaponSword of Stone StrikeStaff of the DeadWar Bow of Blood
Other Items Black swordCaliburnOphidian swordPractice swordQuickswordSerpent artifactsSerpent Staff