Knight Champion

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Knight Champion or Champion Knight is a title employed by the citizens of Serpent Isle's Monitor. It appears in Ultima VII Part Two.


The position of Knight Champion was the most highly revered in Monitor, and those who attained it were held in higher regard than the Lord of the city or the leaders of the three Monitorian Commands. It was bestowed upon whatever knight proved himself to be the finest warrior in the land, and this determination was traditionally made based on an individual's performance at tournaments and prowess on the battlefield.[1] Once recognized, the Knight Champion would have the right to wear the Helm of Courage, an ancient artifact of goblin origin that was said to embody the virtue that the Monitorians held in such high esteem.[2][3]

At the time of the Avatar's landing on Serpent Isle, Monitor's champion of three years,[4] Astrid, had been slain in battle, and the Helm of Courage had been reclaimed by the goblins, leaving the post of Knight Champion empty. While knights such as Brendann,[2] Luther,[5] and Shazzana[3] were all visibly eager to seize the title for themselves, it was Britannia's hero who was eventually able to claim the position, following a successful raid upon the goblins of the Western Forest that saw the death of their chieftain Pomdirgun and the reclamation of the helm.

