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Inamo's corpse, from Ultima VII
Species: gargoyle
Ultima VII
Location: Trinsic

Inamo was a wingless gargoyle living in Trinsic who worked in the stables prior to Ultima VII.


Raised by the altar keeper Teregus from his days as an egg onward, Inamo was one of the few gargoyles who immigrated to the Britannian mainland from Terfin in the early Age of Armageddon – an uncommon practice, given the racial tensions of the era. Apparently, his departure came at the heels of some sharp disagreements with the island's Fellowship.[1] Once in Trinsic, the young gargoyle took odd jobs at the Honorable Hound and at the local stables, where he was allowed to stay in the backroom of the stablehouse by its keeper Petre.[2]

Inamo was killed during the course of the ritual murder of Christopher by Fellowship assassins Hook and Forskis, likely having had the simple misfortune of being an unexpected bystander at their chosen murder site. He was run through with a pitchfork and pinned to the stable wall.

As the Avatar later came to investigate his death and that of Christopher, the hero could come to bear the news of Inamo's death to Wislem,[3] a Gargish member of the Great Council who would recommend Lord Draxinusom be informed. The Gargish king, mournful at the news, at last told the hero to bring the sad tidings to Tergerus,[4] who took to word of his son's death with great grief and shock.[1]


Draxinusom also mentioned that Teregus had raised a son, Inamo, who was one of the few Gargoyles to leave Terfin to find outside work (other than as a miner for the Britannian Mining Company).


  • Inamo translates to "Create Love" in Gargish.
  • In the SNES-port of Ultima VII, Inamo and Christopher are kidnapped, rather than murdered.
