Category:Ultima V spells

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This category contains spells available in Ultima V.

Ultima V Spells
1st Circle An NoxAn YlemAn ZuGrav PorIn LorMani
2nd Circle An SanctAn Xen CorpIn WisIn Xen ManiKal XenRel Hur
3rd Circle In Flam GravIn Nox GravIn PorIn Zu GravVas FlamVas Lor
4th Circle An GravDes PorIn SanctIn Sanct GravUus PorWis Quas
5th Circle An Ex PorIn Bet XenIn Ex PorIn ZuRel TymVas Mani
6th Circle An Xen ExIn AnIn Vas Por YlemQuas An WisRel Xen BetWis An Ylem
7th Circle In Nox HurIn Quas CorpIn Quas WisIn Quas XenSanct LorXen Corp
8th Circle An TymIn Flam HurIn Mani CorpIn Vas Grav CorpKal Xen CorpVas Rel Por
Circle Type Spell Effect Similar Item Time Cost (Gold Coins) and Reagents
1 peace: heal An Nox cures poison red potion anytime 4: ginseng, garlic
1 peace: heal Mani heals yellow potion anytime 5: ginseng, silk
5 peace: heal Vas Mani heals peace 5: ginseng, silk, mandrake
8 peace: heal In Mani Corp resurrects companion "IMC" scroll peace 13: ash, garlic, ginseng, silk, moss, mandrake
2 peace In Wis reveals caster’s location sextant peace 0: nightshade
7 peace In Quas Wis reveals map gem, "IQW" scroll peace 0: mandrake, nightshade
1 peace In Lor creates light torch peace 1: ash
3 peace Vas Lor creates light "VL" scroll peace 1: ash, mandrake
6 peace Wis An Ylem x-ray vision white potion peace 1: ash, mandrake
2 peace In Xen Mani creates food rations peace 4: ginseng, garlic, mandrake
4 peace An Grav dispels field Sceptre anytime 4: ash, pearl
8 peace Vas Rel Por teleports through moongate moonstones peace 4: ash, pearl, mandrake
2 peace Rel Hur changes wind direction "RH" scroll peace 6: ash, moss
2 peace An Sanct safely opens trapped chest key anytime 6: ash, moss
5 peace In Ex Por unlocks magical locks skull key anytime 6: ash, moss
1 peace An Ylem makes objects vanish anytime 7: garlic, moss
3 peace In Por teleports short distance anytime 8: silk, moss
4 peace Des Por descends 1 dungeon floor dungeon 8: silk, moss
4 peace Uus Por ascends 1 dungeon floor dungeon 8: silk, moss
5 peace An Ex Por applies magic lock anytime 8: ash, garlic, moss
2 support Kal Xen summons animal combat 3: silk, mandrake
1 support An Zu awaken companion blue potion, Crown combat 4: ginseng, garlic
4 support In Sanct protection "IS" scroll, Crown anytime 5: ash, ginseng, garlic
7 support Sanct Lor invisibility black potion combat 5: moss, mandrake, nightshade
4 support In Sanct Grav creates impenetrable field combat/dungeon 6: silk, pearl, mandrake
5 support Rel Tym quickness combat 6: ash, moss, mandrake
5 support In Bet Xen summons insects combat 9: ash, silk, moss
8 support Kal Xen Corp summons daemon "KXC" scroll combat 10: garlic, silk, moss, mandrake
7 support In Quas Xen clones person combat 11: ash, ginseng, silk, moss, mandrake, nightshade
6 debuff Quas An Wis charms multiple enemies combat 0: mandrake, nightshade
7 debuff In Quas Corp causes fear combat 2: garlic, mandrake, nightshade
2 debuff An Xen Corp dispels undead combat 3: garlic, ash
4 debuff Wis Quas undoes Sanct Lor Crown combat 3: silk, nightshade
6 debuff In An negates magic "IA" scroll, Crown anytime 3: ash, garlic, mandrake
6 debuff Rel Xen Bet transforms anyone but caster into rat combat 4: ash, silk, mandrake, nightshade
5 debuff In Zu puts enemies to sleep orange potion combat 5: ginseng, silk, nightshade
6 debuff An Xen Ex charms an enemy combat 6: silk, pearl, nightshade
8 debuff An Tym stops passage of time "AT" scroll anytime 7: garlic, moss, mandrake
3 debuff In Zu Grav creates sleep-inducing field combat/dungeon 8: silk, pearl, ginseng
8 attack In Vas Grav Corp energy blast against foes magic bow, magic axe combat 1: ash, mandrake, nightshade
7 attack Xen Corp powerful attack against foe magic bow, magic axe combat 3: pearl, nightshade
1 attack Grav Por minor attack against foe magic bow, magic axe combat 4: ash, pearl
3 attack Vas Flam fireball attack against foe magic bow, magic axe combat 4: ash, pearl
3 attack In Nox Grav creates poisonous barrier combat/dungeon 6: silk, pearl, nightshade
6 attack In Vas Por Ylem attacks multiple random foes combat 6: ash, moss, mandrake
7 attack In Nox Hur blasts foes w/poison green potion combat 6: ash, moss, nightshade
8 attack In Flam Hur firey blast against foes combat 6: ash, moss, mandrake
3 attack In Flam Grav creates firey barrier flaming oil combat/dungeon 7: silk, pearl, ash